"life&death" is supposed to capture the essence and the ominous feeling of the creation and the demise. Rabbits are seen as a symbol of fertility and luck, which in this piece, represents life. The skull with the eye is meant to represent death and how it is "keeping it's eye" out on all of us. I didn't want to make this a scary or overwhelming piece. I wanted to create to make it soft on the eyes, illuminating, a piece that makes you wonder and drawn in. My biggest fear is death, losing my my own life and being stripped away from everything here. I am not religious, I do not really believe in there being a life after this or a place of peace after this. Because of this reason I had always been afraid of that void, that empty, unknown and rather scary space. My artwork is an outlet and is therapeutic for me and by creating this I had reflected on myself, my accomplishments and the future and by doing that I had tried and made peace with the idea of death.