
"Untitled" is an outlet piece, a way to release emotions, thoughts and release stress from the inner mind When creating my pieces I tend to put on a pair of headphones and isolate myself, I normally put on one song and listen to that song repeatedly throughout the creation.

Which is what I did with this piece.

I consider this artwork to be one of the most personal to me. I have always had a connection with clowns, as they are something that I find comforting which many people may not agree with. I wanted to create a digital painting that felt personal and this piece is probably one of the most personal pieces to me as an artist. Portraits are something I have always been intrigued with as an artist, I have always loved the European paintings, structures and architecture that looked almost eerie. I wanted to create this effect in my own artwork, specifically this piece but make it something of my own, something abstract, something identifiable. "untitled"

"Untitled" is an outlet piece, a way to release emotions, thoughts and release stress from the inner mind When creating my pieces I tend to put on a pair of headphones and isolate myself, I normally put on one song and listen to that song repeatedly throughout the creation.

Which is what I did with this piece.

I consider this artwork to be one of the most personal to me. I have always had a connection with clowns, as they are something that I find comforting which many people may not agree with. I wanted to create a digital painting that felt personal and this piece is probably one of the most personal pieces to me as an artist. Portraits are something I have always been intrigued with as an artist, I have always loved the vintage oil paintings that looked almost eerie. I wanted to create this effect in my own artwork, specifically this piece but make it something of my own, something abstract, something identifiable.

Most, if not all of my artwork is typically colorful and flesh toned. I wanted to try and challenge myself to create without using color but still implement that skin-tone effect by creating shadows and deph with different shades of grays. By doing this process I completed this piece in five hours in a duration of one sitting.