My creative work expands over many media, including drawing, painting, and graphic design, but I have focused mostly on photography in the recent years.

My passion for photography was sparked in highschool, where I took my first photography class and learned the basics. In 2020, following this first class, I was given a Kiwanas award from my school for my work in photography.

I continued my photography journey into college at The University of Toledo, where I am currently pursuing a minor in Digital Arts and Visual Communication.

Classes that I am currently taking to improve my creative abilities include Advanced Photography and Graphic Design II. I am enjoying learning about social documentary photography and am excited to say that I will be taking on a project like this for my photography class.


Megan Sigler is a 20-year-old artist based in Toledo, OH where she attends undergraduate college at the University of Toledo.

Megan is currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in Business Marketing and Management with a minor in Digital Arts and Visual Communication as well as a certificate in Graphic Design.

Some classes that Megan is currently taking include Advanced Photography, Graphic Design II, Manufacturing and Service Systems, and Ethics of Business.

Projected to graduate in 2025, Megan is excited to pursure a career in digital marketing, where she can incorporate her passion for the arts into her business career.