Hats are fun and quick but beanies can get boring. So I tried a bucket.
And a baseball cap.
Of course, a witch's hat was the next likely candidate.
My daughter wanted to make a Secret Santa gift, but as she redid the brim over and over her time crunch wasn't looking hopeful. In the time she learned knitting for the first time, I made a Pokemon inspired beanie for her gift instead. She's learned since then, though her time management is still questionable.
When you hear of tragedy, many people head for the kitchen and cook. When I learned a friend would soon lose her hair after chemo treatments, I knew I had to warm up the needles. There are websites that discussion yarns to minimize skin irritation yet keep the wearer not too hot and not too cold. I did a variety of chemo caps so she could always have a choice.
And then I learned her husband shaved his head in solidarity and had to make one for him.
I got my information on quality chemo caps at Knit Michigan, Knitted Knockers, and Knots of Love.
This was a rush-job of a Halloween costume for my daughter, as she wanted to be a character from the Youtube series, "Don't Hug Me I'm Scared". Unfontunately, she got Covid the day before Halloween, so she settled for parading it around her dorm.