Yip Yips are my first foray into something 3D. The characters from Sesame Street started appearing in my LYS (local yarn shop) and during COVID, I populated the windows with all sizes, colors, textures.
This is my latest challenge: crochet that needs a lot of attention to follow the directions. And I still end up doing 1 row forward, 3 rows back. People who knit or crochet call it "frogging" something if you tear out a portion. Because you "rip it, rip it, rip it." If you are only doing a few stitches, knitters tend to "tink" (knit backwards.)
An attempt, though it looks more like a poop emoji.
Of course I wasn't satisfied with just doing a simple knit/purl. I saw a photo of what they call Illusion Knitting where you can't see the illustration if you look at the object straight on. But at an angle, the photo is revealed! This blanket was cranked out in just over 2 weeks when I decided to give it to a dog-crazed coworker who was expecting a baby. Tummy time looking at a favorite friend seemed like a good idea. It was well received.
The baseball cap and witch's cone are when I started dabbling with crochet. So if I can crochet a hat, what about some of the awesome stitches I could use there? The waffle stitch blanket was just started to play around with some new fun looking yarn (Bamboo Pop). This is the first project I put away to gift to someone later.